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Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Unesa
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http://www.unesa.ac.id/bank/jurnal/Pengembangan_Perangkat_Pembelajaran_Dan_Praktik_Pembelajaran_Kompetensi_Berbasis_Kurikulum_Model_Portofolio.pdf (39.68 KB)
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 15 orang guru di SDN Rungkut Menanggal I Surabaya. Dengan metode deskriptif persentase, diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Kegiatan perlakuan diberikan pelatihan tentang materi a) Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (tinjauan umum); b) Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Portofolio Materi Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia di Sekolah Dasar Kelas V; dan c) Pengembangan model pengajaran Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi; (2) Kegiatan praktik dilaksanakan dengan pembuatan silabi dan rencana pembelajaran, dan hasilnya berupa produk silabi dan rencana pembelajaran untuk masing-masing mata pelajaran pada kelas yang diajar.
The subject of this descriptive research was 15 Primary School teachers. Using percentage method, the results obtained are 1) the treatment given comprised a) general review of Competence-Based Curriculum; b) developing the materials of Portofolio Learning Model for “Indonesian Natural Resources” for the 5th grade students and c) developing a Competence-Based Teaching model and 2) the practice consisted of writing the syllabus and lesson plan for each subject.
The subject of this descriptive research was 15 Primary School teachers. Using percentage method, the results obtained are 1) the treatment given comprised a) general review of Competence-Based Curriculum; b) developing the materials of Portofolio Learning Model for “Indonesian Natural Resources” for the 5th grade students and c) developing a Competence-Based Teaching model and 2) the practice consisted of writing the syllabus and lesson plan for each subject.
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Unesa
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