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Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Unesa
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http://www.unesa.ac.id/bank/jurnal/Supervisi_Pendidikan_Sekolah_Dasar.pdf (48.13 KB)
Supervisi pendidikan adalah segala usaha pejabat sekolah dalam memimpin guru-guru dan tenaga kependidikan lainnya, untuk memperbaiki pengajaran termasuk menstimulasi, menyeleksi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jabatan guru-guru, menyeleksi dan merevisi tujuan-tujuan pendidikan, bahan pengajaran, dan metode-metode mengajar serta evaluasi pengajaran. Beberapa instrument yang terkait dengan supervise pendidikan sekolah dasar yaitu: (1) instrumen monitoring penerimaan dan orientasi siswa baru, (2) instrumen pengendali jadwal pelajaran, (3) instrumen pemantauan pelaksanaan ulangan umum bersama, (4) instrumen pemantauan pelaksanaan EBTA/EBTANAS, (5) instrumen supervisi administrasi sekolah, (6) instrumen supervisi administrasi kelas, dan (7) instrumen observasi kelas.
Educational supervision is all efforts done by school functionaries to guide teachers and other education workers to improve instruction including stimulating, selecting the growth, and development of the teacher’s position, selecting and revising educational objectives, teaching materials, teaching methods and instructional evaluation. Instruments related to educational supervision for Elementary Schools comprise those of: 1) monitoring recruitment and new student’s orientation; (2) controlling lesson schedule; (3) monitoring the implementation of general examination; (4) monitoring the implementation of EBTA / EBTANAS; (5) supervising school administration; (6) class administration and; (7) class observation.
Educational supervision is all efforts done by school functionaries to guide teachers and other education workers to improve instruction including stimulating, selecting the growth, and development of the teacher’s position, selecting and revising educational objectives, teaching materials, teaching methods and instructional evaluation. Instruments related to educational supervision for Elementary Schools comprise those of: 1) monitoring recruitment and new student’s orientation; (2) controlling lesson schedule; (3) monitoring the implementation of general examination; (4) monitoring the implementation of EBTA / EBTANAS; (5) supervising school administration; (6) class administration and; (7) class observation.
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Unesa
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