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http://www.unesa.ac.id/bank/jurnal/Strategi_Pembinaan_Kesehatan_Reproduksi_Anak_Usia_Pendidikan_Dasar.pdf (36.77 KB)
Peningkatan angka harapan hidup dengan diiringi meningkatnya taraf kesehatan masyarakat sangat diperlukan untuk kelangsungan kehidupan masyarakat khususnya di negara-negara yang sedang berkembang. WHO telah menjembatani kesenjangan masalah kesehatan dimasa mendatang dengan mengusahakan dan menyelamatkan umat manusia dari penyakit, yang hal ini sudah dimulai sejak anak dalam kandungan, bayi dengan berbagai imunisasi yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk kesehatan anak. Berbagai pengembangan program-program pembinaan melalui KIE (Komunikasi Informasi dan Edukasi) baik untuk bayi, anak, remaja dan orang dewasa perlu dilakukan agar generasi penerus bangsa ini memiliki kesehatan yang prima, cerdas dan kreatif untuk membangun bangsa.
The increase of life expectancy rate and people’s health level are greatly necessary for the continuation of people’s life, especially in developing countries. WHO has made great efforts to save people from various diseases starting from prenatal period by means of providing the immunizations needed. Therefore, it is necessary that health programs for babies, children, teenagers and adults be implemented through communication of information and education (CIE) so as to provide the Nation with healthy, intelligent and creative future generation.
The increase of life expectancy rate and people’s health level are greatly necessary for the continuation of people’s life, especially in developing countries. WHO has made great efforts to save people from various diseases starting from prenatal period by means of providing the immunizations needed. Therefore, it is necessary that health programs for babies, children, teenagers and adults be implemented through communication of information and education (CIE) so as to provide the Nation with healthy, intelligent and creative future generation.
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